Geographical Guide to Hedge Funds

Hedge Fund Guides

Geographical Hedge Fund Guides

Geographical Guide to the Hedge Fund Industry, International Hedge Fund GuideBelow please find guides by countries and regions, states and cities. Each guide provides links to 15-30 online resources which in total can provide a decent introduction to what it would be like to conduct business or work in that region or city.

Top 5 Most Popular Geo-Guides
  1. California
  2. Connecticut
  3. London
  4. New York
  5. San Francisco

City Guides

Country / Region Guides

State by State Guides
State by State Guides Being Created (Please send in resources as possible)
For lists of hedge funds by state available for sale please see these links:

We will be developing far more of these in the future. Please let me know if you have a request for a specific region or city and I can add it to my list of projects. To keep updated on new guides coming out soon please subscribe to this blog via the blue link below.